Affiliation - UoK
  • No Active Notifications
Before starting registration do the following:

  • Read the Notification and the Guidelines carefully before proceeding to Registration.
  • Links for Registration for starting New College, New FYUG Programme, New PG Programme and Additional Batch/ Increase in Intake in existing courses are provided separately in the Affiliation portal. Register by clicking on the required link. On registration, an application number will be generated. The application number shall be the user id and the phone number used in the registration page shall be the password for logging into the Application page. Note down the user id and password for later use. The phone number and the email id used shall be valid and will be used for further communication.
  • Log into the Application page using the user id and the password and make the online payment of registration fee. The applicable fees are prescribed in the Guidelines.Colleges under IHRD shall remit fees as applicable to Self Financing Colleges.
  • Once the payment is successful,Receipt shall be generated and applicant can click on
    Go to Next Step >> to proceed . Make sure to keep the PDF format of each document specified in the Guidelines for uploading in the portal wherever necessary.
  • There is a provision to preview and edit the application before the final submission of the online application.The online submission of application shall be complete on clicking of the SUBMIT button.Make sure to check the details and the documents attached at each level in the process of application as the application once submitted cannot be edited.The last date for online submission of application is
    August 31,2024
  • The printout of the submitted application,duly signed by the authority and with name,official seal and office seal affixed and with originals of all the documents submitted online,attached,shall be addressed to the Registrar, University Of Kerala,and forwarded to reach him not later than September 07,2024
  • In case an Educational Agency wants to opt for an entirely new programme not so far included in the list of approved FYUG or PG programmes, the applicant may forward an email to, showing the name of the proposed new programme intended to be started in the college. Then the same will be made available in the list programmes provided. However, the sanctioning of the course shall be subject to approval of the Syllabus of the same by the Academic Council of the University.


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